
Pre-Cycle Evaluation: Which Diagnostic Tests Do I Need Before Effortless IVF?

Jul 02, 2023
Pre-Cycle Evaluation: Which Diagnostic Tests Do I Need Before Effortless IVF?
From diagnostic testing to hormone measurements and ultrasounds, our fertility specialists leave no stone unturned to ensure the highest odds of success for every hopeful parent. Here’s what to expect during a pre-cycle evaluation.

At Effortless IVF in Fort Worth and Bedford, Texas, Dr. Kevin Doody and Dr. Kathy Doody want to ensure the highest odds of success for every prospective parent. Before starting an effortless IVF cycle, there are several diagnostic tests to complete during the pre-cycle evaluation to determine if you and your partner are a good candidate for the procedure.

Here’s what you should expect when you come in for your effortless IVF pre-cycle evaluation:

Diagnostic testing

Diagnostic testing is an important part of the pre-cycle evaluation. Information gathered from these tests allows our fertility specialists to make decisions regarding your treatment plan, and ensures the best chances for a successful outcome

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) measurements

Understanding your hormone levels is crucial to determining whether you are a successful candidate for effortless IVF. Your anti-müllerian hormone levels help indicate the number of eggs available for stimulation during the IVF cycle, so our fertility specialists can calculate the appropriate medication, dosage, and treatment plan.

Women under the age of 40 need two tests within six months of treatment, while women aged 40 and older will need to have the measurement taken within three months of treatment.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

You need a hysterosalpingogram within two years of beginning effortless IVF. During the HSG procedure, contrast dye is injected through the cervix. Then, X-ray images are taken to allow our fertility specialists to view any blockages or problems in the fallopian tubes and uterus.


A hysteroscopy allows our fertility specialists to view the inside of the uterus. Women under the age of 35 must have the test within the 12 months of starting effortless IVF, while anyone aged 35 and older needs a hysteroscopy completed within six months of treatment.

Pelvic sonogram

A pelvic sonogram checks for problems like fibroids or endometrial polyps, which can negatively affect the chances of a successful outcome. If either issue is found, you must undergo corrective surgery for fibroids or polyps before proceeding with effortless IVF.

If problems with the uterus or womb cannot be corrected, you won’t be a candidate for the effortless IVF procedure. You will likely require a gestational carrier for traditional IVF.

The ultrasound is also used to perform an antral follicle count (AFC) to estimate the number of eggs available. Unfortunately, women with a very low egg supply are not candidates for effortless IVF.

Semen analysis

Your sperm donor or male partner must undergo a computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) two times within six months of effortless IVF treatment. The descriptive test measures the fluid volume in the ejaculate, the number of sperm, and how many sperm are moving.

Insurance considerations for testing

Effortless IVF doesn’t accept health insurance. If you have health insurance, you may consider completing the AMH, HSG, and/or hysteroscopy tests with a covered provider in your insurance network to help reduce your overall fertility treatment cost. 

Outside testing is not accepted for the sonography testing or semen analysis.

Comprehensive care starting with the pre-cycle evaluation

Our thorough testing is part of our commitment to providing comprehensive care to our hopeful parents. Understanding your unique fertility profile allows us to customize an individual treatment plan to maximize your potential for a successful outcome. 

Contact us today or schedule an appointment online at your nearest office in Fort Worth or Bedford, Texas, today.